Monday, May 7, 2012

John Nielisson

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I have practiced art through my whole life more as a form of pleasure. Although I have attended some art classes, most of my work is self taught. I use my art as a form of expressing my feelings and it has proven to be a very important device in helping me deal with my depression and other anxieties by allowing me to transfer my negative feelings into my creativity.

My creativity has allowed me to help deal with my personal anxieties and allows to release them in a more constructive manner.

I used to be a student at Queen’s university, where I enrolled in many artistic endeavors including art, writing, drama and a major in film. As you can see with my black and white pieces, I use them to tell stories rather than simply having a stagnant picture. This allows artists to serve a role as author and allows the person looking at the particular piece of art the opportunity for his or her own mind to travel and experience things in the worlds of imagination as much as the artist does.

My artwork is very important to me as it has allowed me as it has allowed me to have a means not only of pure enjoyment, but allows me to feel complete as a human being.

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